Project Location: Lowell Point Sewerage Facilities and Seward Marine Industrial Center

Owner: City of Seward, Alaska
Address: P.O. Box 167, Seward, AK 99664
Year project was performed:
Project Started in March 2015 | Project Completed in June 2015

Merrell Bros., Inc. was contracted to dredge, dewater and transport the water treatment plant sludge from (2) Lowell Point Sewerage Facilities and Seward Marine Industrial Center. We mobilized our Centrisys Centrifuge and Pit hog Hydraulic Dredges. Merrell Bros., Inc. dredged and dewatered 1900 dry tons and subcontracted the transportation, which hauled the biosolids 160 miles to the land application site. Merrell Bros. Inc., airlifted biodome aerators into the lagoon after cleanout, with a helicopter.