Project Location: Las Vegas, NV

Owner: City of Las Vegas, NV
Address: City Hall, 1st Floor, 400 Stewart Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89101
Years project was performed:
Project Started in August 2012 | Project Completed in April 2021
Merrell Bros., Inc. was contracted to maximize digester capacity and performance by removing solids that had settled and accumulated within (12) twelve digesters at the East Vegas Valley Drive Water Pollution Control Facility. The LVWPCF had the ability to isolate and remove from operation (3) three digesters at a time to facilitate solids removal. Solids were removed from all (12) twelve of the LVWPCF digesters within the contract term. The remainder of the LVWPCF remained online during the cleaning project. Merrell Bros. had to position pumps, boxes, trailers, and Ashbrook filter presses such that access to facility structures and controls were not blocked or inhibited. The solids were transported to the Republic Apex Landfill. This project was on-going.