Project Location: Lake Stevens Sewer District Wastewater Treatment Plant

Owner: Lake Stevens Sewer District
Address: 1106 Vernon Road, Suite A, Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Year project was performed:
Project Started in March 2016 | Project Completed in June 2016

Merrell Bros., Inc. was contracted to dredge, screen, haul, and utilize 800 dry tons of biosolids from four out of service aeration basins and one out of service humus pond that had been out of service since 2012. The location of the work was the Lake Stevens Sewer District’s abandoned wastewater treatment plant. The work also included providing, installing and operating a temporary liquid/solids separation treatment system to treat lagoon supernatant and centrate/filtrate from the biosolids dewatering operation prior to discharge to Lift Station No. 20 in the District’s collection system.