Downtown Indy Canal Cleaning Project – 2018

The downtown Indianapolis canal will be drained so that it can cleaned of algae and other plant growth. The cleaning will be along the entire length of the concrete-lined canal through the west side of downtown. Crews will remove the sediment by using equipment and machinery, and debris will be removed for disposal. Crews will also be improving safety grips along the canal walls.

Project Overview

Where: Downtown Canal from 11th Street to the White River State Park
Project Timeline: November 19, 2018 – February 18, 2019

Who: Department of Metropolitan Development & White River State Park


General Contacts

Do you have a question that wasn’t covered above? Have a great photo of our crews at work? Any other comments, concerns, or media requests? Send us a message Someone from our team will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Connect Directly

Andrea Watts
Chief Communications Officer, Indy Department of Metropolitan Development
Telephone: 317-327-6709

Bradley Breedlove
Information Systems and Communications Director, Merrell Bros., Inc.
Telephone: 574-699-7782