Merrell Bros. Double-Drum Drying Technology

Double-Drum Drying: From Biosolids to Marketable Fertilizer

How it Works:

Double Drum technology uses a boiler to generate steam, which heats the surfaces of the two drums to approximately 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Dewatered biosolids are evenly applied to the drums, and at the nip—where the drums nearly touch—the biosolids are subjected to high temperature and pressure.

As the material adheres to the drum’s surface, it completes a ¾ rotation before reaching a static scraper blade. This rotation helps to remove up to 70% of the moisture from the biosolids. The dried material can resemble fish food or coffee grounds, depending on the treatment process prior to being dried by the Double Drum.

Thanks to its low bulk density, the pelletized product created through the Double Drum process is not only aesthetically appealing but also cost-effective, reducing transportation costs. The technology is easy to operate and scalable, making it adaptable to a variety of facility sizes and needs.

Merrell Bros. also offers a small-scale unit for pilot testing at your business or municipality.

Watch How it Works


  • Biosolids are passed between two steam-heated drums, where heat and pressure remove moisture.
  • The dried material is then pelletized, creating a market-ready fertilizer product.

Key Benefits:

  • Flexible Distribution: The resulting Class A fertilizer can be bagged and sold by the municipality or Merrell Bros. can handle the entire distribution process.
  • Cost Reduction: Dewatering and pelletizing reduce the overall weight, minimizing transportation costs.
  • Scalable Solution: Easily adaptable for both small and large-scale operations.

Request a Pilot Test for Your Facility

Experience the efficiency and cost savings of Double Drum Drying firsthand. Contact us today to schedule your free pilot test and see how our technology can optimize your biosolids management operation.